Anime figures in bunny girl outfits have been an integral part of my collection for some time now and adorn my living room wall in a charming way. In this article, we look at the fascinating attraction behind the Bunny Girls figures.

Origin of the Bunny Girls
Der Ursprung der Bunny Girls steht in enger Verbindung mit der Marke „Playboy“ und dem daher bekannten Playboy Bunny Kostüm. Bereits in den 1960er Jahren wurde ein erstes Konzept entwickelt, das vorsah, dass die Playboy Bunnies als Kellnerinnen in exklusiven Playboy-Clubs arbeiteten. Diese Clubs kombinierten einen gehobenen Nachtclub mit einem Casino.
The original Playboy Bunny costume consisted of a strapless corset, bunny ears, a fluffy tail and a bow tie. This costume developed into a symbol of glamor and sophistication.
The popularity of the Bunny Girls extended beyond the confines of the Playboy Clubs and developed into a cultural symbol associated with beauty, luxury and entertainment. The concept found its way into various media such as films, television programs and music. The bunny girl costume also became very popular in Japan, which meant that many anime characters were not left untouched and also presented themselves in such a costume.
Ein besonders deutliches Beispiel in jüngerer Zeit ist der Anime „Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai“. Die Veröffentlichung dieses Animes führte zu einem spürbaren Anstieg des Interesses an Bunny Girls im Anime-Bereich. Seitdem wurden Anime-Figuren vermehrt auch als Bunny-Girl-Version umgesetzt.
Fascination behind the Bunny Girls
The fascination with bunny girls in the world of anime figures extends across various facets that make these characters coveted collector's items.
A particular attraction is that bunny girl outfits offer an exciting alternative to the usual costumes of your favorite characters. This allows fans to see their beloved characters in a new, seductive light.
The fact that Bunny Girl figures are often produced in 1:4 scale adds to their appeal. This larger version of favorite characters allows collectors to admire every detail in impressive precision. The scale gives the figures an imposing presence that will stand out in any collection.
Another appealing aspect are the real fishnet stockings, which are often an integral part of bunny girl outfits. This lovingly designed detail gives the figures an additional layer of realism and aesthetics, which further enhances the fascination for these characters.
Die Möglichkeit, Bunny Girls innerhalb eines bestimmten „Themes“ zu präsentieren, bietet Sammlern die Chance, kleine Ecken ihrer Sammlung mit Charakteren aus verschiedenen Serien zu gestalten. Diese können stilistisch harmonieren und dennoch eine Vielfalt an Lieblingscharakteren vereinen.
From an aesthetic point of view, Bunny Girl figures fit seamlessly into modern collections. The carefully designed outfits and accessories contribute to the fact that these figures can be considered not only as mere collector's items, but also as works of art.
It remains fascinating to observe how, despite the specific costumes, the individual character traits are reflected through unique details. At the same time, the Bunny Girl figures manage to maintain a uniform look, which continues to underline their fascination and appeal to collectors worldwide.
Bunny Girl figures product lines
So far, only high-priced Bunny Girl figures from Freeing's B-Style range have made it into my collection. These figures are only available in 1:4 scale, which gives them a corresponding price tag of around €300 to €500.
Bi-Cute Bunnies
Thanks to the Bi-Cute Bunnies range, you can buy Bunny Girl figures at a more affordable price. Although you will have to make some compromises in terms of detail and size, the price-performance ratio of less than €50 for the figure is certainly impressive.
Other Bunny Girl figures
Not every Bunny Girl figure is assigned to a specific product line. However, to get an overview of all the anime figures in the Bunny Suite, nach dem Tag „bunnysuite“ filtern.

What do you think about Bunny Girl figures? Please let me know in the comments.