Today we take a look at the Holo figure from the Pop Up Parade series by the Good Smile Company in scale 1:8. This review is also available as a video. You can watch it on my YouTube channel:
Holo ist eine Wolfs-Gottheit und tritt in der Form einer jungen Frau mit Wolfsohren und Wolfsschwanz auf. Sie ist mehrere hundert Jahre alt und hat einen Großteil ihres Lebens damit verbracht als Ernte Gottheit den Bewohnern eines Dorfes immer eine reiche Ernte zu bescheren. Eines Tages trifft sie auf den reisenden Händler Lawrence und beschließt ihn auf seiner Reise zu begleiten, um zurück in ihre alte Heimat Yoitsu zu kehren. Holo stammt ursprünglich aus dem Light Novel “Spice and Wolf“, der zum Zeitpunkt dieses Videos 23 Bände umfasst und eine Anime Adaption mit zwei Staffeln sowie eine Manga-Reihe mit 16 Bänden hervorgebracht hat und sogar ein VR-Computerspiel.

Holo figure captures the cover of the first light novel volume well

The figure is based on Holo's outfit, as it appears on the cover of the first volume of the Light Novel series. She wears a black vest with a blue shirt underneath and a long black skirt with a kind of leather pants underneath. Around her neck she wears a red bag containing grains of wheat, without which she could not survive. Around her waist she wears a red braided rope that holds the so-called "Ring of Truth", an accessory that confirms Holo's identity as the she-wolf of Yoitsu. She also wears a kind of scarf on the right side of her skirt that is tied into a bow. In hands, which she has clasped behind her back, she holds a bundle of wheat.

Holo tilts her head slightly downwards and her gaze appears to be wandering around the area. Her cheeks are flushed and she smiles slightly. As Holo takes a small step forward her hair seems to be stirred up a little by the wind.
The quality of the figure is good. There are no flaws in the painting and also no defective areas or impurities of any other kind. Only the surface of the material seems to be a little rough or uneven in places. The level of detail is high given the abundance of detail, but there is still room for improvement.
The color composition of the figure appears very rich and contrasting. The hair in particular almost transitions from a natural light brown into a bright orange, which also deviates from the visual original. Personally, however, I like the striking hair color.
Base and packaging are a little weak
The base is nothing special, but with its light brown look it fits into the color composition and does not distract due to its simplicity.
The packaging is very compact and visually not very elaborate. There are no extra illustrations or images of the figure but only transparent sides, as is normal for the Pop Up Parade series.
High-quality like figure at a reasonable pop-up parade price

You can currently get the figure from various figure retailers for 35€-50€. This makes it a relatively small but also well-made figure that definitely looks higher quality and is affordable even with a small purse.
Let's compare Holo to the Momo Belia Deviluke figure from the Pop Up Parade series, which is therefore also in the same price range, it is immediately that Holo has a very high level of detail. This may be due to Momo's bikini, as it naturally doesn't offer as much space for details. However, the details that are there are comparable in terms of the level of detail. However, I think the workmanship is generally better with Holo, which is why the Holo simply feels higher quality for the same price.

Let's compare Holo with another Holo, namely the anniversary figure from Revolve, which according to the MFC is available for around €100 and which I bought for almost 200€ on Amazon, the first thing you notice is the difference in size. Although both figures are in 1:8 scale scale, the Revolve Holo is slightly larger. I also find the the color coordination more harmonious and true to the original. The richness of detail is about the same here. Holo makes an impression here with its already slightly drunk-looking pose that creates a very lively festive mood. The base also has more detail than the Pop Up Parade Holo due to the lawn texture. The Revolve Holo is therefore definitely justified with a higher price.
Personally, I really enjoy the figure. I really like the bright hair color and think it makes the figure stand out a little. Also the many important details which, if you know the story, make up this character, are also there. Ultimately, it's a figure that looks rather high-quality and can also be be paid for with a small purse.
Rating - Holo figure from the Pop Up Parade
Sculpting | 9 / 10 |
Painting | 9 / 10 |
Pose | 8 / 10 |
Base | 7 / 10 |
Packaging | 6 / 10 |
Enjoyment | 10 / 10 |
MFC Link:

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